Week by week, your pregnancy progresses.

 When you find out you're expecting, you may want to start planning your pregnancy week by week. You might have additional questions regarding a healthy pregnancy every day. What foods should you consume? Are you able to exercise? Which kinds of prenatal tests should you think about?

You may have even more questions about your pregnancy week by week if you're carrying twins or other multiples. What is the ideal weight gain? What can you do to avoid preterm labour? Will you have to stay in bed?

Understanding your pregnancy week by week will help you make informed decisions throughout your pregnancy, no matter what your questions are. Learn the dos and don'ts of diet, as well as the fundamentals of other healthy pregnancy topics like exercise, back discomfort, and sex.

First trimester

Both you and your baby will experience significant changes throughout the first few months of pregnancy, known as the first trimester.

Physical changes in the first trimester for you could include breast soreness, tiredness, and nausea. It's possible that you'll experience a range of feelings, from excitement to dread. The first trimester is a period of fast growth and development for your baby. The brain, spinal cord, and other organs of your baby begin to form, and the heart of your kid begins to beat. Your baby's fingers and toes are starting to form.

Make an appointment with your health care provider to start prenatal care if you're in your first trimester. You'll learn what to expect throughout and after the first trimester. What you learn will assist you in taking the best possible care of yourself and the baby.

Second trimester

You may feel better than you did at the start of your pregnancy in the second trimester, which lasts from months four to six. It's finally time to relax and enjoy your pregnancy!

Your baby may begin to appear more real throughout the second trimester. Larger breasts, an expanding tummy, and skin changes are all possible second trimester signs and symptoms. The ability to move and hear is commonly marked in the second trimester for your kid. You'll be halfway through your pregnancy by week 20.

Visiting your doctor on a regular basis during the second trimester is essential. Even if it seems ridiculous or insignificant, tell your health care provider what's on your mind.

Third trimester

The third trimester – the last few months of pregnancy — can be physically and emotionally demanding. Backaches, heartburn, and increasing worry are some of the indications and symptoms of the third trimester.

Your baby will most likely open his or her eyes and gain weight during the third trimester. This rapid development may result in more obvious foetal movements.

During the third trimester, you'll continue to see your doctor on a regular basis. He or she may want to look at the baby's location. Continue to ask questions as your deadline approaches. Knowing what to expect throughout the third trimester will help you relax and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
