Your Skin Story- Know It All

Skin is a part of body just as the liver,heart and Kidneys. When the flow of blood to the skin  is hindered for any reason, the skin Hardens,thickens and losesits normal appearance. As you grow older in years,; the circulation of blood is lessened and it loses its youthful appearance;its colour  changes and wrinkles begin to form on its surface. The speed of ageing starts at 25. It is slow between 30 to 35,Fast between 35 to 50 and very quick between 50 to 65. But you can cheat the calender and preserve your youth by giving your skin regular care and attention both from within and withou

Lack of proper circulation of blood to the skin is mostly due to the lack of proteins, Vitamin B and Vitamin C Protein Foods supply all the amino acids essential for keeping a skin youthful.If the proteins and amino acids are inadequately supplied to the body,the tissues begin to sad causing wrinkles to appear.Like proteins, vitamins are important to the rebuilding of tissues and muscles of the face and body and prevention of wrinkles. Between the cells of the skin is cementing substance known as collagen which depends upon Vitamin C for its elasticity. Always remember that your facial muscles are living elastic tissues and that they can be be nourished and built up from inside only with the good and healthy diet .Besides eating a proper beautifying diet there are many other factors which influence the youthful appearance of the face.For instance, it is an established fact that the male secretion in the female body makes the skin youthful,brighter,firmer and smoother.
Therfore,  many women turn  beautiful immediately after marriage and during the time of pregnancy. Another cause which spoils the skin is the removal of uterus .Its removal heralds in dry and lusterless and blemished skin.Therefore, if it is very important to your health then only have it removed and that too after Consulting number of specialist and not otherwise.  Another enemy of your beautiful skin is menopause.At this time
,the body goes through number of severe physical  and hormonal  imbalance because the  walls of the uterus are papering and drying up. As a result the body stops stops manufacturing oestrogen which is very essential for keeping the skin young. The only remedy for this is to keep the skin moist and supple from outside by the regular use of homemade moisturizing creams.
Another main cause of ageing  is over exposure of the skin to the sun. This only dries up the skin, accelerates aging and also darkens it. To Slow Down this dehydrating process women in tropical countries should drink a lot of water and fruit juices. 
Other Enemies of youthful skin a regular use of heavy makeup, keeping frequent late nights and consuming too much alcohol.  so you see to keep a youthful face you have to take diligent care of your skin but before you embark upon the programme  of looking after your skin you should know the type of skin you have. There are many types of skin. you can broadly classify the skin types into normal skin, combination skin, dry skin ,sensitive skin,Oily skin. Now find out which category your skin Falls and give it the treatment as given. Remember it is very important that you use the correct treatment for your type of skin.
This type of skin has a clear fine textured supple and smooth surface which is neither greasy nor dry. It glows  with an inner health which stems from good blood circulation  and excellent health. Only care it requires is cleaning it twice a day with a mild baby soap and water.At night, to keep your skin's normal moisture balance apply a thin film of homemade moisturizer. Anytime your skin becomes slightly oily or slightly dry in any area correct these  tendencies by following the advice given elsewhere regarding these type of skin.
Combination skin is a combination of both dry and oily skin. There is crazy centre panel consisting of nose,forehead and Chin and a dry panel consisting of cheeks,mouth and areas around the eyes. Treat dry areas with homemade cold or moisturizing creams and greasy patches with regular application of homemade astringents.
A Sensitive skin is a thin or a fine textured skin. It reacts to both heat and cold;Therfore,it sunburns and windburns easily. If you have this type of skin use sunscreen lotions or creams wash your face with mild  baby soap ,rinse thoroughly and pat the skin dry with a soft towel.Do not use rough towel.
Never use any makeupwithout first trying a little of it on inside of your wrist to see the reaction of skin to it, For very few items of makeup agree with the sensitive skin. Every night apply homemade moisturizing creams on your face before retiring for the night.
Greasy skin has coarse pores and pimples and other blemishes.
Take a diet rich in proteins but restrict yourself in sugar,fluids and salt intake.Also take plenty of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits.Highly seasoned foods should be avoided.Besides taking  internal care of yourself,you should also take care of yourself externally. Half an hour before  taking your bath apply on your face half teaspoon  each of lime and cucumber juice mixed together.
Dry skin has a parched  look caused by its inability to retain moisture. A dry skin is a fine textured skin  and is prone to wrinkles and chapping. It is often a greater problem in cold weather than in warm weather. 
Use a mild soap for  cleansing the skin;follow a bath or a shower with a mild application of body oil.Massage your face with homemade nourishing cream every  night before retiring. 
Once a week take a milk bath.It will not only  nourish and smoother your skin but at the same time it will also soothe your tense nerves and refresh you.
Warm your bath water and put in 250 grams of powdered milk, half tablespoon of almond oil and few drops of your favorite perfume. Then just lie in it and let your mind wander while the wholesome foam works wonders on your dry skin.
