Sinusitis - Unbeatable Home Remedies

Here are some effective proven home remedies to alleviate your pain.

1. Eat the right foods and shun foods that aggravate your condition. 

Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Phytochemicals and antioxidants in your food boost your immune system, reduce swelling and lessen mucous production. Eating more than five servings or more can do wonders to your sinusitis.

Here are some phytochemicals and food that can help.

Quercetin- This bioflavonoid is found in apples and red onion skin. It reduces the swelling around your nasal passages. Its anti-histamine like effect decreases mucous production.

Bromelain - Pineapples are rich in bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that can also relieve swelling and nasal mucous.

Ginger- Take 1-2 teaspoons of ginger extract or ginger juice to reduce inflammation and swelling. Ginger inhibits inflammation.

Garlic- Garlic is famous for its antibacterial properties. You can just consume some chopped raw garlic or add it in your salads. Also, you can concoct garlic paste by soaking 4 bulbs of garlic. Inhale the smell. It will unclog your stuffy nostrils and sinus passages.

Eat fruits and veggies rich in Vitamin C. Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant and decreases allergic reaction through it inhibitory effect on histamine, the allergic mediator that also causes swelling. Experts say Vitamin C when sourced from foods than from synthetic ones are much more effective. So consume lots of veggies and fruits like oranges, grapefruit, guavas, strawberries, broccoli, Brussels sprout, bell pepper, parsley and others.

Avoid foods that encourage mucus formation. Dairy like cheese, milk and butter can increase congestion. These include highly processed and refined carbohydrates and sweets like candies and chocolate.

2. Take a good rest. 

With rest your body has all the chances of fighting you sinus infection and you can recover quickly.

3. Increase your fluid intake.

 Take warm water or juice at least 8 glasses or more. Adequate fluid intake will thin and help drain mucous secretions. Avoid caffeine and alcohol. They can dehydrate you. Also, alcohol can worsen the swelling of your nasal and sinus mucosa.

4. Steam inhalation- 

Lean over a bowl of boiling water, drape a towel over your head to accumulate steam, and then inhale the soothing steam. Do this twice daily for about 15 minutes. Also, a hot shower can release steam you can inhale while you take a hot rejuvenating shower. The warm moist air enters your nasal passages and blocked sinuses and relieves congestion and pressure. The steam additionally will thin the mucus making it easier to expel.

5. You can rinse your nasal passages. 

The procedure is called a nasal lavage. Utilize a squeeze bottle, a neti pot or bulb syringe. Follow the manufacturer's instructions. This procedure will wash your clogged sinuses of dried mucous and other debris.

6. Reduce nasal and sinus congestion by adding pillows when your sleep to elevate your head. 

This facilitates mucous drainage too.
