Heart is the most vital organ of the body and controls the entire body mechanisms through its micro-cellular functions. For the smooth functioning of the heart, there is a need of good diet and foods. There are the foods that make the heart healthy and prevent it from many cardiovascular diseases and disorders.
Amla (Indian Gooseberry):
Amla is one of the important foods for your healthy heart. It is the reservoir of vitamin C, which reduces the chances of cholesterol formation in the inner wall of blood vessels and the heart. It has adequate amount of protein, calcium, phosphorous and iron, which are helpful in the flexibility of blood vessels.
Arjuna Bark:
Bark of Arjuna is one of the finest tonic for the health of heart. It has been used since the ancient times for the prevention and management of heart diseases. It also plays a vital role in controlling the palpitation of the heart. Methods: Its churna can be taken with milk in the morning as well as night. Boil one glass of milk, water (1 glass) and churna of bark of Arjuna (1tbsp) for 15-20 minutes. strained it and take the mixture after making getting it cool.
It is abundant in vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrate. It is a powerful natural medicine, which strengthens your heart. It helps to maintain blood pressure and good for the health of cardiac muscles. Honey, the gift of nature contains iron, manganese and copper that are good for red blood corpuscles. The presence of formic acid in honey acts like as a tonic for the heart.
Garlic is the wonderful product of nature. It is just like a panacea(a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.) for your heart. It makes the heart stronger and prevents it from many diseases and disorders. Using garlic helps to dilate the blood vessels, which ensures smooth flow of blood and prevents from cardiovascular diseases. Gaseous problems in heart can be prevented immediately from the uses of garlic. It also shows surprising result in lowering the level of cholesterol in the body.
As per Ayurvedic science, wheat is one of the wonder natural products to remove heart weakness. Wheat is known for many bio-chemical substances such as protein, iron, phosphorous, vitamin A, B and many more. It is beneficial when the heart beat increases after doing some minor physical works.
How to use? Take grind wheat (15gram) and little amount of sugar along with water to make your heart stronger.
Curd is one of the important nutritious food items for healthy heart. In ayurveda, the curd of cow is called as an elixir of life. There is a good correlation between curd and healthy heart. The best example of Georgia where the consumption of curd is maximum on individual basis, accordingly, least people are affected with cardiac problems.curd is the best food for cardiac problems and also to lower the level of cholesterol. To make your heart healthy, stronger and diseases free, it s suggested to take 100 gram of fresh curd every day at the lunch time.
Jaggery (Molasses):
Jaggery is abundant with calcium, magnesium, iron and protein. It also has adequate amount of glucose that strengthens the cardiac muscles. It boosts the efficiency of heart and ensures smooth flow of blood. It helps in the formation of Haemoglobin. It is suggested that one should take molasses instead of sugar to make your heart healthy. The optimum level of eating jaggery per day is 15-20 grams.
We all know that ‘One Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away’. Apple is one of the superfoods which removes the debility of your heart and protect you from cardio-vascular diseases due to presence of protein, iron, phosphorous, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium and including other nutrients. The regular eating of apple is helpful to make your heart healthy even at the old age. Apple contains a substance called pectin, which energises and boost your heart as well as also lower the levels of cholesterol from the body. Pectin is helpful to remove toxic substances from the body.
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