No Makeup, No Problem

Here are my top 5 reasons why I believe Bare is Bearable!  

1. Getting ready

When my friends are getting ready to go out and we are in a time crunch, I never have to stress. All I do is put some clothes on and I am ready to go. Getting ready for class is also a breeze, I roll out of bed 10 minutes before I have to be somewhere across campus and I will always make it.

2. I always look the same

Not worrying about how you look for class is amazing--you roll out of bed fresh faced and just the same as you did last night. You don’t need to worry about changing your look just to go to a 50 minute class. I look the same as I do going to sleep as I do waking up (besides my bed head).

3. Clean Skin

A lot of girls who find out that I don’t wear makeup have the same first reaction, “Well you don’t need it, look at your skin.” First of all nobody’s perfect--we all breakout sometimes, I just don’t do anything about it (maybe I should???).  I also strongly believe that my  “great skin,” is due to the fact that I don’t wear any makeup; I have nothing blocking up my pores, and therefore don’t need to cover anything up.

4. Going to sleep

There was one instance this year that I was forced to put on some mascara for a photo-shoot that was taking place so I decided to keep it on when I went out at night, then the worst thing happened… I got back to my room and had to take it off. I will never fully understand how girls put on and take off their makeup everyday! It was exhausting, and I felt like it was still stuck on my face for days.  

5. Money $$

My favorite aspect of my bare face is the amount of money I save. I see all the commercials and ads for the newest long lasting mascara or waterproof eyeliner but I am so thankful that I don’t have to worry about any of my money going towards those products. I am already a poor college student and not worrying about makeup or remover is one less thing I have to put my little money towards.  Having different types of makeup and different colors adds up but if you don’t wear any you don’t have to worry about it!
I know that going out with a naked face might not appeal to everyone, but trust me, I love everything about it and I am sure you would too if you gave it a try. I challenge everyone to give makeup a break, be the real you
